New Patient Medical History Form

New Patient Medical History Form

If you have an appointment booked with us you can complete and sign this form, scan it and email it to (this email for patients & enquiries only). If you can’t scan your form you can bring it to your appointment with you.

To print out the form, right click each page and save to your computer. You can then print the document from there and complete it at home.

If you have any difficulties completing this form you can leave the question / section blank and wait until you come into the surgery to finish it with help from our staff.


Patient Details


Dental History





Medical List

( If yes please provide the following details: )

Excessive BleedingAlzheimer's DiseaseGlaucomaHeart AttackCongestive Heart FailureAngina PectorisHeart MurmurArthritisHepatitis A,B,CArtificial Heart ValveHigh Blood PressureArtificial JointKidney DiseaseAsthmaOrgan TransplantAutismOsteoporosisCancerPace MakerChemical Dependency AlcoholPregnancy (How many Drugs months?)Congenital Heart Defect / DisorderRadiation / ChemotherapyChron's DiseaseRheumatic FeverDepression / Nervous DisordersStrokeDiabetesThyroid problemsEpilepsy or SeizuresTrigeminal Neuralgia

If yes then state the Medicine:




- I, the undersigned, consent to the performing of dental and oral surgery procedures agreed to be necessary or advisable, including the use of local anaesthetic and other medication as indicated and I will assume responsibility for the fees associated with those procedures.

-I understand that the practice requires at least 24 hours notice if I need to cancel my scheduled appointment and that a cancellation fee may be incurred if I fail to do so.

- I hereby authorize the dentist or the designated team to take x-rays, study models, photographs and other diagnostic aids deemed appropriate by the dentist to make a thorough diagnosis.

- I am aware that payment is required on the day of treatment.

- We provide a courtesy to our patients a preventative recall program that offers a call service if you have not been to the practice in 6 months.